United Nations Security Coucil (UNSC)
Topic A: Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist attacks
Topic B: Opression and civil unrest in Venezuela
Topic: Providing help and assistance to children of Internationally dispersed persons and refugees
Human Rights Council (HRC)
Topic A: The case of death camps for LGBT persons in Chechnya
Topic B: Unification of legal institutions, especially courts and law in Africa
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Topic: Reducing inequality within countries through the integration of first-generation migrants
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Topic: Solution to sustainable use of marine resources
UN Women
Topic A: Eliminating gender discrimination and strengthening women's position in government in order to achieve gender equality
Topic B: Empowering women by increasing the participation of women in conflict resolution
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
Topic: Revising the Russian annexation of Crimea
Topic: South China Sea dispute